My name is Madison Douglas, and I am a graduate student at Caltech working with Mike Lamb in the Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences. My current projects focus on the dynamics of meandering rivers, from the deserts of California to permafrost in the Arctic. I particularly enjoy going in the field, and especially using sedimentological observations in combination with instrumentation and laboratory measurements to characterize modern landscapes. In leading trips for research and as a teaching assistant, I seek to lower logistical barriers and make fieldwork more accessible and fun.

I graduated in spring of 2016 from MIT with a Bachelors in Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science and a minor in History, and presented a senior thesis on river network reorganization on Brazilian coastal escarpments with my advisor, J. Taylor Perron. After graduation I spent a year working for the US Geological Survey in Menlo Park with John Stock and Corina Cerovski-Darriau to study dust fluxes on the Island of Hawai’i. My research interests primarily include geomorphology, sedimentology and tectonics, but I have also contributed to projects such as using radar to analyze volcanoes on Venus. This blog will include a formal record of my research experience, as well as more light-hearted entries detailing my geologic travels with friends and colleagues. Enjoy!
